Friday, September 21, 2012

Always Have a Flashlight

Today was just like any ordinary day, in any ordinary life. I got up, got ready for the day, and went to a regular old job. When I came home, I ate food, read a bit of Victor Hugo's, "Les Mierables," and hopped online to check facebook. Like I said, pretty ordinary.

But I've been thinking lately, what defines ordinary? According to, ordinary is defined as something of, "no special quality or interest." Now what I want to know is who's job is it to decide that something is of, "no special quality or interest?" Who decided that was even possible? If you ask me, nothing and no one is truly ordinary. 

Take a cliff for example. There are so, so many mountains, and cliffs, plateaus, and buttes in this world that few people give them much thought, "Oh look... another cliff....." (unless of course you've never seen a cliff before). But (assuming you have seen cliffs) take a moment, look at one cliff and think, "There's not a single cliff in the world that looks exactly like this one." It is slightly silly (let's be honest) but at the same time, rather awe inspiring. By that one thought, you have taken a seemingly ordinary object, and turned it into something extraordinary.

I suppose what it all boils down to is perspective. Anything can be dull if looked at in poor lighting. All you have to do is shine a light on it. In the right lighting something plain will transform into a thing of sheer beauty, right before your eyes. So keep your eyes open, and always have a flashlight :) 

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